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Schedule a personalized appointment

LED Technology

Explore all the solutions we offer in LED LIGHTING.

Electric Mobility

Discover the benefits of electric mobility.

Energy Solutions

Discover the benefits of renewable energies.

Lighting Studies

Our engineering team can perform an analysis of your current situation.


Campanas LED
Alumbrado Público


Bulbos LED
Spotlight LED


Reflectores LED

Tubos LED

Tubos LED



Energy Solutions

Discover the benefits of renewable energy.

Discover the benefits when developing your project with us.

This is the process

Viability study: technical-economic analysis

Solution selection is personalized to the client.

After-sales assistance is assured.

We provide fully solar or hybrid system installations.

Parts of the solar or hybrid energy system

Solar Panels

Hybrid Inverter

Installation items

Lithium Batteries

Do you need to communicate with our team?

They trusted us:

Bioenergy success stories.

Energy Solutions

Discover the benefits of renewable energy.

Descubre los beneficios de las energías renovables

Conoce el proceso para desarrollar tu proyecto de Energía Solar

Estudio de factibilidad técnica – económica in situ

Help you to build website company that is modern, user friendly,
good CEO and clean desing

Selección de la solución a la medida del cliente

Help you to build website company that is modern, user friendly,
good CEO and clean desing

Servicio post venta garantizado

Help you to build website company that is modern, user friendly,
good CEO and clean desing

Instalación llave en mano del sistema solar o hibrido

Help you to build website company that is modern, user friendly,
good CEO and clean desing

Componentes del sistema de Energía Solar o Híbrido

Help you to build website company that is modern, user friendy, good CEO and clean desing.

Paneles solares

Mangcoding is a bigest
company in Indonesia, who
provide the…

Inversor híbrido

Mangcoding is a bigest
company in Indonesia, who
provide the…

Articulo para la instalación

Mangcoding is a bigest
company in Indonesia, who
provide the…

Baterías de Litio

Mangcoding is a bigest
company in Indonesia, who
provide the…

Do you need to communicate with our team?

Ellos confiaron en nosotros

Casos de éxito Bioenergy